
Fundraising target smashed

Raising funds for mental health charity - The Lighthouse Club

During Mental Health Awareness Week, it is great to let you know that Annie raised £650 in her 100 km challenge in February for this mental health charity.

Swapping her construction boots for a pair of walking boots, she walked to raise money for the Lighthouse Club who support fellow construction workers and their families. Kisiel Group made a donation to sponsor her. We feel that it matters to have a positive mental health culture within organisations as it shows that all the workers are valued and part of a team. A good team supports each other.

Annie says about her achievement – “I reached the end of my Challenge and I experienced every weather condition – except a heatwave! Did I walk a 100Km? Well I did – 108 Km in total. I have a few ‘thank yous’. To those who encouraged me to do a daily walk. To the fellow Master Builder who inspired me to raise money for The Lighthouse Club. But mostly to everyone who sponsored me – a HUGE THANK YOU as I could not have done it without you!”

Read more about this challenge on this recently published blog to coincide with Mental Health Awareness week.

The Lighthouse Club – FREE Helpline is available 24/7 for all construction workers and their families – 0345 605 1956